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Articles for this week's Archive

The Week In Pictures 11
Two Bored Englishman, a Phone, and a Deus Ex Machina
Pacifists For Tyranny Deface Medal Of Honor Monument

Friday, April 08, 2005

The Week In Pictures 11

"Honey, remember when you said 'When Pigs fly?' ... "

Some troops are paid so poorly they are forced to shop at The Dollar Store

The USS Mensa, displaying its giant plus sign, is seen on Lake Michigan sailing to help rescue failing Chicago schools.

When jockeys go on strike.

Bubba, the recently reactivated 2nd Stormtrooper from the left, hopes the other guys don't notice all the weight he's put on since the last time they were on active duty.

Seeking to dissuade China from its recent rhetoric, President Bush demonstrates his Ear Wiggling Technique at the Kung Fu festival in Taiwan.

"You must be at least this tall to become President"

Youth, Seniors, what about the middle aged?

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Two Bored Englishman, a Phone, and a Deus Ex Machina


GUY 1: Englishman

GUY 2: Englishman

(sitting on couches in living room)


This is boring

guy 2

Yep, this is boring

guy 1

This is almost as boring as that Young Ones sketch

GuY 2

Yep, this is really boring


I think it’s time to pontificate upon the price of oil


Yes, let us preach to each other

guy 1

Oil is too high. It’s all Venezuala’s fault


Or more specifically, Chavez the leader of Venezuala.


Yes, that guy




He is a ruthless dictator oppressing his people


Yes, he is


Don’t you have a voice of your own?


Aren’t we running out of time?


Yes, I think we are

guy 2

Yes, quite

guy 1

Well now what?

guy 2

Well let’s read the mail

(phone rings)

guy 1

Hold on then, I’ve got a call

(picks up phone)

Hello? Yes? Yes?

(hands phone to GUY 2)

Here, it’s for you


Hello? Hello? Uh huh. Uh huh.

(listens to phone for a few minutes)

All right then. Sorry, wrong number.

guy 1

Who was it, then?

Guy 2

Don’t know, didn’t ask, wrong number you know.


I thought it was probably a wrong number

guy 2

Yes, you thought correctly.

guy 1

Well now, what’s that?

(large chariot comes out of sky)

guy 2

It looks like some sort of mechanized chariot

guy 1

Just in time to save this sketch, in my opinion

guy 2

Yes, quite.

guy 1

Where do you suppose it goes?

guy 2

Don’t know. Shall we?

guy 1

After you

guy 2

No, after you

guy 1

Age before Beauty

guy 2

Brains before Braun

guy 1

Well thank you, I have been working out

guy 2

So I noticed

guy 1

Well, on to this chariot, then

(they get on)

guy 2

How do we get started?

guy 1

I think we press this button here

guy 2

Well, only one way to find out, isn’t there?

guy 1

Yes, I’m pressing the button ... now

(GUY 1 presses button. Chariot flys away.)


Monday, April 04, 2005

Pacifists For Tyranny Deface Medal Of Honor Monument

Peace activists defaced the Medal of Honor Memorial in Indianapolis last week, taking credit for the action was Bob Ostrich, president of Pacifists For Tyranny. Bob explained his reasoning to us:

"War is bad. I'd rather not be free to say these things, than to have to actually fight for my freedom. Someone might get hurt! After all if you don't fight evil, it won't bother fighting back. Obviously no one will get killed if we refuse to fight!

"Look at the millions dying now in Zimbabwe, or people in Venezuela now. None of them have to die. If we stopped encouraging people to fight tyranny then they wouldn't die! Is freedom really worth more than your life? Quality of life is not important, unless you're retarded or ill, then you are better off dead. But dying for freedom?

"That is why we had to deface the memorial. Because all those men were wrong and evildoers. They could have resisted, gone to Canada, but they did not. Which makes them just as guilty as our Right wing leaders. When will our nation realize how bad and selfish we are and start listening to the rest of the world?

"Give us liberty or give us tyranny!"