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Monday, January 10, 2005

NAMBLA, Others, Flock to Netherlands

With the re-election of George W Bush, many people, like the Kilbournes of Seattle, are fleeing the country. One of these groups is NAMBLA, the North American Man-Boy Love Association.

"You don't know how hard it is for us in America," said David Thorstad, pederasty author and speaker, "We are hated and persecuted, our research that man-boy love is natural is criticized. We are not even accepted in Colorado City, Arizona, where tens of thousands of polygamists live who marry 12 year old girls. You'd think that they would understand, being persecuted as well, but they don't believe in sex outside of marriage, or between males. Oh, life is so hard for us. I did not ask to be attracted to young boys, I was born this way.

"Now that we'll have four more years of neocon theocracy, we can only expect more persecution by the ultra right religious fanatics that are against men loving boys. We are finally giving up our quest to be able to love boys in peace in this country, and have begun looking elsewhere. After looking all over the world, we have finally found a country that will welcome us: the Netherlands.

"In Holland, the law states as long as you are married, you can have sex with anyone twelve years old or older. While this is great news for our members who believe in waiting until marriage, and those few of us who like girls, the unmarried age of consent is sixteen. While we are unhappy with this number, we are sure if enough of us move there then we can lower it. Already tens of thousands of men who love young people live in the Netherlands and Denmark." - sigh - "They have an open, tolerant society that encourages people to live in peace and harmony and not judge each other - because no one is wrong. I just wish people were like that here."

We interviewed Leslie Bergermeister, President of Protecting Our Children, to find out why he is trying to restrict the rights of Americans to love who they wish.

LB: "We are not trying to restrict anyone's rights," he said, "we are trying to protect children from predators. All people have an instinctive drive to protect children, it's genetically programmed into us, since it was necessary for the survival of our race."

EOTB: "So if we let NAMBLA love young boys, our species will go extinct? Isn't that the same gay bashing we've heard before?"

LB: "No, I'm saying it's instinctive to protect children. We should not ignore our conscience."

EOTB: "But these people don't feel their conscience being bothered. Why should we listen to you and allow you to enforce your morality on others?"

LB: "Those people aren't bothered because they are damaged. Look, in olden days, people didn't live long. It was common for teenagers to marry because life was hard and short. Now we have long lifespans, we can let children wait until they are mature."

EOTB: "Ah so you are trying to 'protect' children. Well we interviewed a young boy Johnny, and he told us 'My mommy and daddy are dumb. I don't need their protection, I can cross the street by myself.' Seems like children don't want or need your 'protection.'"

LB: "What? Are you brain damaged?"

EOTB: "Ad hominem attacks, eh? The last resort of the scoundrel. That's all the time we have, thank you for your time."

LB: "Wait - "

"We are, of course, very happy to accept any Americans that wish to flee George Bush," said Johan Karlsberg, Minister of Tourism, "We in the Niederland do not understand your - how do you call it - hang ups, about sex. People in the Niederland are free to do as they wish. If they want to marry a young girl, or force their daughter to marry, that is their choice. Or if their religion says they must kill someone, who are we to tell them they cannot? Freedom means we must allow people to do as they wish."

Another group moving to the Netherlands is the Society of Child Killers. Damien Sade, president of the group, told us "When we heard that the Netherlands was going to start allowing the killing of children after they are born, we realized that is the one country that will accept our kind. In America, these damn religious Nazis that now run the country want to tell people they have to live. Why can't I decide when children should die? Especially retards, damn I hate retarded kids!"

"The religious right has no right to tell us how long our relatives should live," said Terence Butter, Chairman of Die, Already! "In America, most health care money is spent on the elderly, but that is wrong, they should be allowed to die with what little dignity they have left after becoming old. The elderly really need to understand when it's their time, and if they don't understand, we should decide for them.

"My organization, Die, Already!, helps people move to the Netherlands with their parents, where they can help their parents along into the next world. The nazi-esque religious right in America thinks it has the right to tell people to live, or to tell our clients they can't kill their parents. With all that money locked up in treasury bills, they are expected to wait for it? It should be at least be invested in index funds."

"Like, some people just don't belong," said Sally Mayflower, member of Get Over It Or Get Lost, "People who are depressed are, you know, such a drag. Why don't they lighten up? If they are going to be down all the time, I say let them kill themselves. Like one time when my best friend said she wanted to, like, kill herself? I told her to move to the Netherlands? Where a doctor will, like, do it for you? Yeah so I haven't spoken to her since. She's probably on vacation. You know, 'cause, like, the Netherlands is sooo cool. Isn't that where pot is legal? Or is that Belgium?

"I hate Republicans. Get out of my pants, neocons!"